Remote Sensor Networking


The development of a wireless remote monitoring system for renewable energy production and storage will serve as a cost effective measure for evaluation purposes. The system will serve as a tool to foresee whether off-grid solar power systems, grid-connected systems and hybrid systems monitoring are worth the investment.

As part of the research undertaken by the Intelligent Systems and Advanced Telecommunications (ISAT) research group, the project will serve to monitor a solar system and its battery bank. This is necessary, since all solar energy from a photovoltaic system has to be stored in a battery/battery bank in order to prove useful.



Undertakers of the project will learn to enable a sensor network, gather data from the network,...



store the data, process and distribute it for administration.

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The aim of the project and the services it is intended to deliver are as follows:

  • Gather readings from a battery
  • Generate reports of power output and energy production trends
  • Readings to be gathered for service and maintenance planning
  • Verification of system operation
  • Use of least cost devices to enable replicability of the solution


Term 1 Presentation   Project
Term 2 Presentation
Term 3 Presentation
Term 4 Presentation

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Feature 1

Feature 1
Solar power consumption monitoring using sensors measuring panel voltage and current capture

Feature 2

Feature 2
Information dissemination using WiFi, SMS and GPRS protocols

Feature 3

Feature 3
Data publishing using Web services based on PHP and associated graphing tools

Feature 4

Feature 4
Situation recognition (awareness and prediction) using...

Feature 5

Feature 5
...machine learning techniques and/or statistical analysis methods

Feature 6

Feature 6
Web Portal and Android Application

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About Us


Zenville Erasmus

More than just a student with a Computer Science degree, I have interests ranging from the arts to engineering. A Jack of all trades, so to say. My current interest involves the usage of sensors across networks to eliminate the need for site visits and the reduction of costs involved.


Prof. Antoine Bagula

Associate Professor at the University of The Western Cape. Consultant at ICTP. Interests range from Smart Internetworked Devices to Remote Sensor Networks.

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Contact Us



UWC Department of Computer Science
Honours Lab
Ground Floor
New Science Building
Researcher/Student: Zenville Erasmus
Email: [email protected]
Supervisor: Prof. Antoine Bagula
Email: [email protected]

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