
Contact Us

  • Maggie Chimbwanda

    Department of Computer Science
    University of the Western Cape
    Private Bag X17
    Bellville 7535
                            South Africa
                            email: [email protected]

  • Professor I. M. Venter (Supervisor)

    Room 1.29, Department of Computer Science, New Science Building
    University of the Western Cape
    Private Bag X17
    Bellville 7535
                         South Africa
                         Telephone: +27 (0)21 959 2516
                         email: [email protected]

  • Dr W. D. Tucker (Co-Supervisor)

    Room 1.30, Department of Computer Science, New Science Building
    University of the Western Cape
    Private Bag X17
    Bellville 7535
                         South Africa
                         Telephone: +27 (0)21 959 3010
                         email: [email protected]