IDART DATA MART by Zukile Roro Supervisor: Dr WD. Tucker.
Any online transaction processing (OLTP) data contains information that can help in making informed decisions about businesses. For example, you can calculate your net profits for last quarter and compare them with the same quarter of the previous year. The process of analyzing your data for that type of information, and the data that results, are collectively called business intelligence. Because most operational databases are designed to store your data, not to help you analyze it,
it’s expensive and time consuming to extract business intelligence information from your database.
The solution: an online analytical processing (OLAP) database, a specialized database designed to help you extract business intelligence information from your data. The purpose of this project is to combine data from multiple instances of iDart into a single data mart that can be used by Cell-Life for analysis and reporting. In my data mart design I use the star schema. The advantage of using this schema is that it reduces the number of tables in the database. |